My Friend and Brother, I founded Realm.Men because I wanted to create a system that transformed men’s lives. Not from concept or theory but from experience and fact. I lived the life style for a year before offering Realm’s curriculum to the market. It is a daily battle and requires a consistent investment in my self to expand and evolve. I am open about my challenges as a man and I am unwilling to allow other men to isolate when there is a path to liberation and personal power. I wanted other men to experience that freedom – CHOOSING to do the personal work that would completely transform their lives in the four dimensions of Realm: Vitality-Health Leadership- Business Heart- Relationships Truth- Spirituality Something very cool happens when you take control of all of these areas. By focusing on yourself, you can also invest in improving the lives of others. Yes, your family. Yes, your friends. Yes, your co-workers. But also, by providing service to those you don’t even know. On August 10th, a group of 7 Realm.Men members will be competing in the Leadville Trail Mountain Bike Race. This will be my 8th time. It takes months of dedication and training to complete this punishing and exhilarating event. Crossing that finish line is a feeling of accomplishment like no other. The curriculum allows us to focus and reach the physical strength and stamina required for this challenge. In Realm.Men, investing in developing ourselves includes investing in others. Our Leadville 100 Team is committed to raising $12,000 for The Leadville Legacy Foundation by July 31st. Donations will provide scholarships for graduating high school seniors, or fund other causes benefitting the Leadville community. All of our team members have their own personal reasons for this service project. For me, it is because I have experienced the heart and soul of this race. The Leadville community embraces every athlete, and I want to give the community something back. If you are willing to contribute to our 2019 service project, I invite you to follow the link to our donation page: Any amount is greatly appreciated and will ad to our target of $12,000. Our deadline is July 31st. And if you are ready to do the work and achieve things in your life you didn’t think were possible, like our Leadville 100 team members, call me for a personal interview and a coveted seat in our next initiative. Our website Realm.Men will also support you on your path. Inward and Onward! Doug McGhee Founder of Realm.Men P.S. This email is meant to be a source of encouragement, but if you don’t find value here, you can unsubscribe at this link.