I wish to share some good news, my friend.
If willing, please receive my offering: a gift of time, attention, energy and resources.
A gift from my heart to yours.
I have participated in indigenous Inipis rituals and sacred ceremonies with medicine men and women and fellow courageous seekers during full moon and eclipse cycles. I am honored to be an initiate of the Q’ero lineage of healers from Peru.
As a seeker I have committed a significant part of my life to my spiritual path
I have worked with teachers and coaches and attended all varieties of personal development retreats. I have traveled in pilgrimage to the jungles and mountains of Peru where I climbed high peaks in the Andes and cultivated beautiful relationships with a variety of sacred plant medicines.
I sat alone in the desert of southern Utah for four days without food for the mystical experience known as a Vision Quest.
I have participated in indigenous Inipis rituals and sacred ceremonies with medicine men and women and fellow courageous seekers during full moon and eclipse cycles. I am honored to be an initiate of the Q’ero lineage of healers from Peru.
When I began my exploration, I was an executive in the financial services industry, a founding partner of a mortgage company and an executive coach.
For much of this time I lived the illusion that the elixir of life was something outside of me and I worked hard to achieve. I believed that what I was looking for could be found externally. Yet, no matter how much “success” I experienced, I was never truly satisfied. And so I continued striving and seeking, sure that the next thing would alleviate my insecurities and feelings of inadequacy. I was convinced that if I just worked harder, I’d finally fill the void I was experiencing in my heart. The void was characterized by sadness, emptiness, feeling alone in a crowded room, and longing for something without knowing what I was longing for.
At a certain point I left the corporate world and gave myself full-time to my personal spiritual exploration and began infusing what I was learning and experiencing into my work as a coach. This was an improvement, no doubt, and I believe my clients have benefitted from this orientation as have I. However, I began to realize that I had exchanged my corporate identity for a spiritual one. Although this identity felt more authentic, it was still an identity, which created a barrier between myself and the Divine, delaying my journey home to the heart.
I have absolutely no regrets and I would not change any of these experiences because I understand that each one was a gift pointing me home, back into my heart, which was what I was actually seeking all along. And I assert that if you are reading these words, that is exactly what you are seeking as well.
Now I know that all along I was experiencing a separation and isolation from my true nature, from my heart, from Source.
I now believe that the journey home is a journey into the heart, unencumbered by identities and beliefs. What we have been taught by our parents, schooling, society, and the media is merely conditioning which prepares us to play a role, rather than be who we really are. And as long as we are living disconnected from our authentic selves, we will suffer and create suffering around us.
How do we return home to the love of the heart and live from that place? It requires a gentle but tenacious willingness to meet ourselves in the darkest corners or our subconscious and shine a light on our limiting beliefs. It is a fierce but loving way of exposing the lies, feeling the pain and fear buried inside of them, and uncovering the Truth. This is how we liberate ourselves and live in freedom. It is a great unwinding…the ultimate unfolding and revealing of Who We Really Are.
Redirecting my journey inward has allowed me to begin alchemizing the shadow and decouple the identities, the armor, the beliefs, the doctrines and the conditions of society that I believed to be me. As I continue to let these constructs go, the discomfort and pain of separation eases more and more. I become freer, life becomes more fun and I have so much more to contribute.
By remembering that we are individual manifestations of the Divine, perfect underneath the masks we wear and the roles we play, we transform ourselves and the world. This is our most profound gift to all of Life.

Perhaps I can help you remember your true nature? Let’s begin this journey together.